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Blog - smelly litter box

The Invention of Cat Litter

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We love to go out and see our retail partners to thank them for carrying DooKashi, find out how we can support them and learn more about our customers who buy DooKashi from them. . 

Mud Bay stores are one of our favorites to visit.  Their stores are impressively laid out (especially like the toys - never leave without purchasing!) but far and away, their greatest asset is their well trained Associates. "Pets" are clearly the passion of all who work there and if they don't know an answer to a question like "my cats has a rash" or "my dog only likes a squeaky toy that isn't too loud, what should I buy" - they'll find out. 

SInce DooKashi  extends the life of litter up to 3 days, we're always interested in litter types and which is most popular  this does change frequently!).  We've tested DooKashi on every litter type imaginable (works with all types) however, there's always something "new" to try.  

After picking up Mud Bay's "How to Choose A Healthy Cat Litter" brochure, what caught our eye was an article "The Birth of Cat Litter" and wanted to pass on the information. Note: we are purposefully copying their information below and give all the credit for the research to Mud Bay!  

The invention of kitty litter is noted as 1947. Prior to that, indoor cats struggled with ashes, sawdust or newspapers for "doing their business".  In that year, Edward Lowe, who worked at his family's MIchigan building supply company, was asked by a neighbor (Kay Draper) for help in filling her cat's litter box. Lowe recalled a product his father had manufactured during WWII. That product was a baked ground clay that soaked up oil spills in factories. And guess what: it worked! 

Having packaged the clay in a paper bag, Edward wrote "Kitty Litter" in grease pencil on the outside and the industry was invented! Interestingly enough: now more than six decades later, the fastest growing segment of kitty litter has nothing to do with clay.   

According to Mud Bay: "the trend now is for U.S.litter boxes to be filled with renewable litters made from plant sources like wheat, corn and wheatgrass".  Knowing exactly what your cat is being exposed to is one reason customers use DooKashi Odor Eliminator as a Litter Additive & Extender. Made with all natural ingredients, and proudly Non-GMO Project Verified, we believe every pet owner has a right to be informed. After all, your pet is not a science project, but a treasured part of your family. 

What type of litter do you use? Let us know - we might now have heard of it! 

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