Posted by DooWriter on 1 13 16
The term "Organic" seems to be the buzzword on all products for both people and pets. But is it "just" a marketing term printed as an enticement to get you to buy or, is it really true? Are there standards set by the government to ensure there is "truth in advertising"?
Recently, we attended an Avian Seminar at which the topic of transitioning of livestock to organic was discussed. I can't speak for all states but according to the Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA); here are the specifics:
Dairy One-Year Herd Conversion
Poultry (Meat and Eggs):
Slaughter Stock (Beef, Dairy, Hogs, Sheep, etc.)
Obviously there is much more to this transition however, it was interesting to understand the steps that must be taken. Next time in the grocery or pet store, I'll feel much more confident in my purchase.